Interview with The Dudesons
Hey guys!
So, not long ago I had a chance to sit down and do an interview with HP and Jarppi from The Dudesons. They are a four-man stunt group from Finland. At least that's what the internet says but they are so much more than that. If you don't know them you are missing out because they are really cool guys. Besides their tv shows, they are constantly doing their tour all over Finland for about 6 years now going to schools and sharing their stories hoping to inspire kids. Their message really resonate with me: Work hard together for your dreams without bullying each other. They are doing this without even once saying 'Don't bully'. They hope the kids will figure out themselves and take this message with them.
HP and Jarppi visited the Simpele School at the end of March and before they started their presentation we sat down with them to talk about everything they have done and doing at the moment not forgetting the important message they are standing up against: Bullying. I will be honest with everyone, I didn't know these guys previously. You should have seen me collecting all the information about them from everyone who breathes around me ten minutes before the interview started. It was crazy but all in all I have to say they are great! Let me share the interview with you so you can see it yourself too. 'HP' is HP obviously, 'JL' stands for Jarppi and 'VK' is me. As usual, I placed links in the texts so you guys can see what we were talking about.
After introducing ourselves and deciding where to sit, we saw their openness straight away.
JL: So basically we should understand each other because linguistically we are related, right? Should we do this in Finnish? We talk in Finnish and you talk in Hungarian.
VK: Well, I only know some inappropriate word in Finnish so I think it will not work. [everyone chuckles] Okay, so first of all, can you please tell us about this whole tour thing that you are doing right now? I know your message is to not bully. What is this presentation about?
HP: It's our story but the way we want to tell this, is more about believing in your own dreams and the friendship that we have and of course everything combined is what we want to say against bullying.
JL: Yeah, because we have known each other since elementary school and we grew up snowboarding and doing some extreme sports but we also started shooting videos on a very early stage. Through that at some point in our life - about twenty years ago - we came up with the idea that we should have or do our own tv show and that has taken us to shooting a season for MTV in the US in 2010. So that's why we don't go there and talk about bullying for 45 minutes but we want to tell our story; how we began, how we became friends, how we went abroad chasing our dreams but if we would have bullied each other in elementary school, all that would never happen.
VK: Did you experience any kind of bullying growing up?
HP: I've seen in a way like the normal stuff but why we talk against bullies is because in our group we have stories and experiences from both sides: Jukka was a bully in elementary school and one of us, Jarno was bullied. So we have experience on both sides. We have done a lot of stuff back then and we haven't been talking about serious stuff basically ever but then we started to do a show called 'The Dudesons Home Invasion' where we moved in with an ordinary family for couple days and we tried to help them with their problems. And from all those experiences came the idea that we would actually like to talk to the kids and youngsters about believing in yourself and especially chasing your dreams.
JL: Here is one video, you can watch before we continue. Now you can see what we have done. This is how we first started.
VK: Okay. [watching the video] Wow, a lot of things going on. What was the craziest thing that looking back you say 'Oh no, I would never do that again' ?
JL: The last thing you saw...
VK: The building, yeah...
JL: I was standing on the top of it and I broke two of my ribs and I lost this finger so that's something I wouldn't do again [laughs]
HP: I think there are plenty of things that I wouldn't do again but I am really happy that I've done that once. Also we had a lot of interest to challenge ourselves and try different things.
VK: Wow, that's a lot of crazy things. Did you have a moment when you thought 'we need to change' or did you guys become more mature? You are not doing these things anymore, right?
JL: We don't do that anymore that much but there was a point when my biggest dream was to shoot a tv show in the west and that came true in 2010 but the tv show that we put together didn't go as well as we would have hoped it did so we reached a point. At that point we have done the tv show more or less the same way like the stunts. So we came to the point when we actually started to think that we would want to keep doing the same thing in the future or we come up with something. There was a period of year, year and a half when we didn't shoot anything, instead we tried to come up with new ideas and the concept that we came up was the one that HP told you about, that we move in with ordinary family and try to help them with their problems. It was a great idea at that time, that was the only thing that we were famous for.
HP: Yeah, basically we showed the other side of us that we kept hidden for many years, from the early days but from that on we did that and then we moved to do a different kind of show, a Friday night prime time live broadcast. It's a talk show combined with stunts but we are not doing them, we are challenging finnish celebrities and normal people to do the stunts that we have done. Also the show includes hidden camera and little pranks and games in the studio. Kind of like moving on and doing different kind of stuff but with the same mentality and with the same attitude keeping that tiny sparkle in your eyes, not taking life too seriously, not taking ourselves too seriously. We want to encourage kids and youngsters to bravely challenge their dreams, we want to encourage them to be ready to do a lot of work for achieving those dreams because about the show that you actually just saw, there were so many people telling us that it is not gonna lead anywhere and we need to do something else but we kept doing what we were doing.
JL: And we were able to get that tv show (different Dudesons seasons) in 150 countries. So that is something that we want to tell the kids that believe in your dreams, everything is possible. If we were able to get international with that kind of show, you can do anything with your life. We have seen that you can achieve all those things when you do things together and that's where we cross this with the bullying like if we would have bullied each other in school, we wouldn't be friends, we would have never started shooting videos and all the things that we tell the kids during our presentation, would have never happened.
VK: Talking about bullying, how do you see this problem changed over the years?
HP: I think nowadays it's basically the same and it's been the same throughout the years I would say but of course it has changed a little bit. Back in the days you could actually get hidden for a while and you could have that safe place where nobody could get you, for example home but nowadays with the phones and social media it comes to everywhere so you don't even have that safe harbour in a way anymore. It has changed but I think the reasons are still the same but I think that we can actually make a difference and that's why we are doing this.
VK: Yeah, this is awesome. So do you guys can get some feedback from the schools you have visited so far?
HP: We got some feedback from the schools. We still doing this so I think we have done something right because we have now done this for 5-6 years.
JL: So it's always been something that we like to keep, it's not a project that begins and ends. We keep doing it with all the other things that we do and we keep this on the side, so yeah in the past 6 years maybe. It various, sometimes we do more schools but there might be a month or two before we go to the next one, it depends.
HP: For example this Friday (29 March) we start the live broadcast for the tv show, Posse that we do at the moment and that will take our time a little bit in this spring.
VK: Are you guys doing this tour just in Finland or you want to go to other countries too?
HP: We are doing this just in Finland. It would be fun to do somewhere else but also of course it would need to be in a place where the audience knows us. It's more relatable if you know what we have done and know the change so it's relatable a little bit more than for example in places where the audience wouldn't know who we are.
VK: Yeah, I think the same because sometimes you hear big words like 'follow your dreams' and everything but I think it's really different for everyone if you hear it from someone that you respect, you look up to. Do you guys know where your audience are?
JL: Yeah, even tho I believe the younger audience doesn't know our background that well but we have done tv shows for 18 years. First it was the stunt show, and then the show with the family and now we do the live broadcast so people kind of know who we are even tho they don't necessary know the whole story.
VK: Yeah and I think if they are really interested, they do their research about you. Earlier Fatime and me were talking about that some of them weren't even born when you guys started in 2001.
HP: Basically all of them [everyone laughs]. God damn we are old.
JL: It's also a great thing today that you have YouTube and everything so even tho they weren't here when we first started doing the tv, all of our clips are in there.
VK: You guys did a lot of things. How did you always came up with the ideas? Did you have a specific day to brainstorm?
JL: Yeah, earlier we were brainstorming together but then Jarno has always been the mastermind, he was more behind the camera, coming up with ideas.
VK: HP, earlier you mentioned social media. Connecting bullying and social media, what do you think, does the social media presence make the bullying bigger? Because they can bully each other not just in real life but online as well. What do you think about it?
HP: I would say that in some cases the mental bullying is even worst than the physical stuff and also it's easier because you can say stupid things across the planet to some random people. The normal ways to behave in social media are the same than in normal life. Say the things that you would actually say face to face to people and use the words. It's so easy to hide. Even tho you are there with your name it doesn't feel so real.
JL: You can hide behind your profile. It's easier to say somebody that 'I don't like your clothes, you are ugly' whatever through your profile on social media than saying it right here.
HP: Exactly. And it's not just the kids it's adults as well.
VK: Yeah, when we are talking about bullying we always think of the kids but this problem can occur among adults as well.
HP: Well, actually it is in front of us every day it just depends on who you follow. If you check out the comments, there is always something that is negative. People are taking too much interest in other peoples lives rather than concerning of their own. We want to see the positive side of life and we also understand that there are so many different kind of people who are doing their own stuff and even tho if I don't like what they are doing, if it's not something that I would like to do, it doesn't give me the right to diss those people.
VK: Yeah, I agree with you. Have you ever thought about quitting?
HP and Jarppi at the same time: HELL NO!
VK: No? I mean when you were doing these things and you were laying in the hospital thinking 'maybe we should just quit the whole thing'.
JL: Yeah but your best friend was laying on the next bed. [everyone laughs]
HP: You will get over it pretty fast. It's not that easy to change your mind.
VK: Of course, it's something that you felt in your bones doing it.
HP: Yeah, mind is 20, body is 60.
JL: When we first started shooting videos, it was just a hobby. We all grew up together, started doing the videos and at some point we had the dream of making our own tv show coming across. We started doing them and if we still can do the same things with best friends then why quit?
VK: Of course. Do you guys have any plans beside this show that's coming on Friday?
HP: We are living in this moment right now but we already know that we are going to start filming a new show during the summer but if I would tell you something about it then you know...
VK: Yeah, no problem. Don't worry about it.
JL: It's gonna get involved with politics [everyone laughs]
VK: Okay, so you guys have plans, that's great.
HP: At least so far. So far so good.
VK: Is there a quote you live by? Something that really resonate with you? I like these things that's why I'm asking.
HP: Reach for the sky!
VK: That's nice, I like it.
HP: It actually holds everything together. Reach for the sky because tomorrow may never come. Don't think about the past too much because you can't change it and you don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow. So stay present to the people around you and to the moments that are around you because if you are in your head somewhere in the future or somewhere in the past, you are not actually here and if the future doesn't come, don't waste your time on thinking too much about what's gonna happen, just stay present to this moment and the people around you.
VK: Wow, that's beautiful.
JL: I taught him that. [everyone laughs]
HP, me, Fatime and Jarppi
The whole interview was so friendly, it felt like just casually talking. They were also so nice answering everything with long sentences, they really made my job easier so thank you guys again for that. After the interview we chatted a bit about why we are here in Finland and what are our summer plans. We took some photos and we headed to the gymnasium to watch their presentation. Unfortunately we couldn't understand a word because they talked in Finnish but a huge thanks to Anni who tried her best to translate for us here and there. It was really great to see how kids are paying attention to them and I could see their excitement meeting such great people. After the presentation the guys took time to take pictures with all of the classes and even talking with some of the kids individually.
If you wanna check out their stuff you can find their YouTube channel here! If you speak Finnish, check out MTV3 on Fridays at 8 pm for their show, Posse. Follow them on Instagram. This is HP's profile and this one is Jarppi's. Wouldn't be fair to leave out Jukka and Jarno so if you click on their names you can check them out too.
Meeting and talking with them in person made me understand better that no matter how much success you accomplish in your life, standing up for an important cause and help others should always be a priority in your life. Thanks guys, you rock!
Thanks for reading and as always: The harder you work, the luckier you get!